There is power in our thoughts and words. The Lord has been speaking to me about Romans 10:9-10 this morning. “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
Now, if believing and confessing is powerful enough to save our souls from eternal damnation then what else could it do?
From where I am sitting I can see the sunlight shining through a large spider web that was made sometime in the night. The Lord has been speaking to me about the ploys of the enemy as well. What if he can get us to believe and confess something that isn’t true? We must guard our hearts and our minds. Just like the web is revealed by the light of the sun…so the enemy’s webs are being revealed by the light of the Son.
That’s the negative aspect but what is the positive side of this whole argument? What if God has given us the power to change the lives of those around us by believing (having faith) and confessing that God will move on their behalf?
I believe he has given us this gift and responsibility. God shows us the needs for the purpose of exercise this gift he's given us.
For some time now I’ve been praying for vision, passion for the vision and focus for our children and for us. This morning I believe and confess that God will give an answer to my prayers. That he will give us a vision and passion for what it is he has prepared in advance for us to do.
I’m not going to spend time believing, agreeing with and confessing the lies of the enemy…I will take those thoughts captive before they ever reach my mouth. I will believe and confess that I am in complete agreement with God and his plans and purposes!!
If I am saved in this manner then by this manner other things will be established! I am challenged today once again to ignore the circumstances of life and believe and confess what is in the heart of God.
Restoration, regeneration, revelation, vision, passion, equipping of the Saints, and preparation all for the furtherance of the Kingdom…this is the heart of God!
And God said….and it was so! Amen! I agree!