I'm so very blessed by the church family God has put around me that I can trust to speak truth into my life. What a gift to have loved ones who challenge me to grow and cause to see my state and need for God.
Recently, a sweet sister came halfway around the world at a time such as it was to speak such a truth that rocked my boat and is changing my life! Simple words spoken...faithful are the wounds of friend. What were those blessed words that the Lord spoke directly from her lips to my heart?
People in all walks and phases of life need to feel the heart of the Lord for them and if they can't feel it from us...me...why is that? Could it be that my "laws and principles" have made safety walls around me, barriers so to speak that can't be breached by me or anyone else for that matter.
Laws and principles I've had all my life....dos and don'ts. I was shattered when she spoke these words to me...I saw my legalistic self. I could live by these but I'm the one in the cage. God was challenging me to come into an open plain and live by his grace that has no walls or barriers.
How can I reach others with the Gospel of Christ when I'm applying my laws and principles to everyone expecting them to live up to them as I do...miserably I might add. Paul's words ring in my heart as I'm writing..You foolish Galations! Who has bewitched you?....Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? Galations 3:1-5
I'm seeing in me how much I live by the law instead of Grace. But I'm encouraged because seeing it is more than half the battle and God didn't show me these things to leave me here! Praise the Lord he will bring me into great freedom like I've never known before and it's the power of His Gospel that is accomplishing this in me as I allow God to work in my heart deciding to die to my laws and principles and choose his life....freedom on an open plain of Grace!
What that looks like lived out I'm not totally sure but I've seen a glimps and I want it with all my heart! I want more!