Friday, April 30, 2010

He Calls from the Shore...

It’s been a while since I’ve written. This is the busy time of year for my work and in the meantime I’ve been trying to review the text of my book so that it can have the final changes made and go to print. I’m really excited about that because it’s been a pretty big project.

Also, a sale is pending on our house and a world of opportunity is about to open to us. Not to mention the garage sale that I’m trying to organize. Needless to say life has been a little stressful but exciting at the same time. Change can be a challenge but it is good and we feel empowered to move on. Ask me if I’m still empowered three months from now :)

My thoughts are turning to Jesus now and how he spoke to his disciples on countless occasions of the “change” that was coming but they didn’t understand. When he died and didn’t fulfill their expectations as a reigning, conquering king, they went back to the only thing they knew.

In John 21:3 Peter says, “I’m going out to fish…” I wonder if he was thinking that would be a good way to clear his head. Sometimes when I’m trying to hear from the Lord or I have a burden on my heart I will do something menial to clear and calm my mind so I can hear him better. Or maybe he was sulking; Peter must have had the weight of the world on his shoulders knowing how he had betrayed the Lord.

I must say that I absolutely adore this story. It shows the heart of Jesus for his kids as he calls to them from the shore in John 21:5. “Friends…” he calls them. He knew their hearts. He is so gracious to them even knowing how they had completely deserted him in his time of need. There is no condemnation with him, only love for them.

Then Peter doesn’t waste any time jumping out of the boat when he realizes it is Jesus…he just had to make things right and here was his chance. To top it all off, Jesus blesses them with a huge haul of fish and fixes them breakfast! What a heart of love, what poise and grace considering the situation. Jesus then breaks the ice with Peter. I absolutely love the way the Lord convicts us when we’ve offended him. He is so gentle and kind but firm; he is a wonderful, faithful friend.

Jesus restores Peter expressing complete forgiveness and then gives him a mandate. He tells Peter to show his love, by feeding and caring for his sheep. So many times when we have blown it we think we could never do anything for God especially not teaching or speaking to anyone about his word. But when Jesus forgives us, it is as if the sin never happened and he puts us right back on track.

“Follow me!” Jesus adds in John 21:19. This is my encouragement to you today if you have fallen…get up, come to Jesus, repent and be restored. We haven’t any time to sulk and go back to our old ways of doing things. It’s time to rise, follow him and he will show us what to do because change is coming!

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