Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Moving is....an Experience.

Well, we finally made it to sunny Florida. Moving is a challenge. Moving to another state is a double challenge. When the movers came somehow the price we were quoted was $700 more...amazing but in a days time we had everything we owned loaded and ready for transport. I wonder if we will actually get our stuff from the movers. I guess if we don't, someone else needed it more than we do.

Moving is letting go of everything that has been familiar to you and casting yourself into the great unknown. Moving to a new state is interesting but being compliant to the new state's rules is not so interesting. Not that I'm complaining its just a huge adjustment. But God is faithful and he has so graciously supplied us with all we need and more.

Not having a job and moving to a new state is an even harder challenge...not that I'm whining, I'm just being realistic. I didn't expect it to be all roses. Matter of fact, I was willing to stay or go depending on what the Lord had for us...it didn't matter to me. Doors opened and we followed peace, that's about all you can do in this situation.

Even here in the circumstance in which we find ourselves; God's grace is sufficient. Last night, we had dinner at some friend's house in Sarasota and we had a wonderful meal and conversation salted with encouragement that God has been and will continue to be faithful. Oh how quickly I forget. It was good for me to be reminded.

I wonder if this is how Abraham and Sarai felt when they endeavored to follow the Lord's instructions to go to a land he would show them. I wonder if they had trouble getting Internet service or had to drag every piece of evidence that proved they existed to the license branch just to drive their camels :)

New chapters in life bring new challenges and more occasions to be patient and kind with people. I'm learning...we all are...how to persevere. But we are more blessed than Abraham and Sarai...at least we don't have to live in a tent!! And we have the constant presence of our Lord with us; he comforts us and brings us peace.

Lord, turn up the volume on your voice and mute the voices of naysayers and fear. Help us to walk in faith, trusting you for our very existence. I thank you for this opportunity to see you move on our behalf! I praise you! Thank you for a kind banker and insurance agent who worked patiently through her lunch to get us the best deal. Thank you for friends who feed us and encourage our hearts. Thank you for supporting and welcoming us here through kind neighbors and friends with food. Woo Hoo! You are so good to us!

Part the waters as we watch and lead our steps through on dry ground. We believe! Amen!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you are in FL! praying God continues to direct and guide you and your family. I too had to say I'll do whatever today - my girls tried to fly to CO this morning, but the flight was full - debated and stressed about what to do - prayed for peace - went back to the airport and they got on the evening flight! God is good... what is He trying to teach me? patience and going with the flow and not stressing about life?? on the drive home I told God, "I will do whatever and go wherever you want me to - thank you for getting the girls on the plane!" then I get home and read your post - wow! that was a confirmation to me... thanks for writing!
