Thursday, August 26, 2010

Water in the Desert

I read an interesting story last night from 2 Kings 3, it’s about three kings who go to war. In order to meet their foe, they have to walk through a desert. As they went out after a “roundabout march” the word says in verse9, they soon run out of water and decide to find a prophet to consult the Lord about their situation.

We are so much like this as humans. We think that we have things under control and we can do this or that thing until the supply runs out and we turn our faces to inquire of the Lord. The story continues with the kings going to consult with Elisha the prophet and I found it interesting that the only reason he consults the Lord for them is because of the one righteous king (verse 14). We can only come to God through our Righteous King Jesus to seek his wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

The story unfolds further by Elisha asking for a harp and as the music is played, the hand of the Lord falls upon Elisha and the Lord tells him that he will not only supply the water they need, it will come out of nowhere and to top it all, he will give them victory over their enemies.

By the next morning the provision came from an unexpected direction and in abundance. The word says that the water came from the direction of Edom (verse 20) which was the direction of the desert (verse 8) and that it flooded the land.

As the sun rose on the water the enemy thought it was blood and that the kings had turned on one another. Oh, how we are mistaken when we follow our eyes and not the Lord…they were destroyed as they went to plunder the kings.

I love the beginning of verse 18 that says, “This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord…” We serve a God mighty in power and he is our source of provision!! We have endless provision in him, nothing is too difficult for him!! And he gives us victory over our enemies!! No wonder he tells us over and over, “Do not fear!”

This week I had a vision that helped me gain perspective over circumstance, I am continually amazed at how faithful our God is to us! I saw myself sitting on the Father’s lap and I was a child. He had a set of thick leather reigns in his hand firmly under his control and I was playing with the ends of those reigns hanging down in front of me.

I realized that God was showing me that he was in control at all times and that I could be no help to him. As I let the reigns fall from my hands I turned and looked up at him, this is where my focus should be. He has it all under control.

Thank you, Jesus, for your word and comfort to me. Take what you gave to me and bring comfort to others. Thank you for the reminder that you are in control and I need not be in fear; that you are my source and you are faithful. I love you so much, Amen.

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  1. Thank you for your simple honesty, Christy. A reminder I need to hear today, too. I love the look of the blog - God's fruit you are bearing!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Brenda! God Bless!
