Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Done !

Here's a picture of my book. I just received it yesterday and I am thrilled! The book is based on the blog that I wrote during the time of my daughters battle with brain cancer. I've also included other things I remembered as I was reliving the events of this 10 month period as well as memories from Danni's childhood. If you would like to have a copy, the book is available for purchase at in the book section under the title "Hug Life".
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  1. Congratulations. The cover is beautiful.

  2. I the cover...beautiful like I'm certain your thoughts and sharing will be...Judi

  3. Yeah! I am so proud of my seester! I just ordered five copies and left you a nice review on amazon. I really think sisters should get a free book! Sheesh!!! :)

  4. I am so proud of you!! What a blessing and ministry the Lord has given you from the ashes of your pain. Praise be to God - I can't wait to get a copy! You go, and spread hope to hurting parents. What a ministry!

  5. Woo Hoo!! I'm off to order a copy now. I've been away from the computer for a bit, so I'm sorry to be a few weeks late. Congratulations dear Christy. What a beautiful way to allow the Lord to redeem such pain and loss. I'm going to have to buy quite a few!
    Cindy :)
